Sometimes Weekly
Stories from the Back Row of History
Sometimes Weekly is an ongoing project and publication created by Nick Butler in 2015 to tell the story of Donald Trump threatening to sue him and subsequently cutting him a check. From there, Nick told the story of the time a Lord of Parliament offered him a bribe. In June 2015, Nick recalled his brief Twitter diplomacy with North Korea. In February 2016, Nick created “Don’t Approve This SuperPAC” which the FEC approved. In June 2016, Fox News accidentally advertised a fake Trump dating website Nick created as a joke.
A couple years later, Nick told the story of the time A&E almost filmed a ghost hunting show at his house when he was 14-years old. A few months later, Nick tried to set the dress code for a British secret society after he was emailed by mistake. After a brief hiatus, Nick filed an addendum to Sometimes Weekly with a few short stories that weren’t quite good enough for their own post.
In 2022, Nick apologized to Neill Blomkamp, the director of District 9 for stealing his Twitter handle in 2009, and Neill Blomkamp subsequently accepted the apology. In 2023, the Sometimes Weekly newsletter launched, Sometimes Weekly, LLC was formed, and MovieViral.com, which Nick co-founded in 2009, was reacquired from two eccentric businessmen Britishmen.
From 2022-2024, Sometimes Weekly was also sometimes serious, with the publication of a series of essays and observations on the state of American politics during Our Very Dumb Time. Following the 2024 presidential election, Trump advisor and noted American traitor Roger Stone told Nick to go fuck himself after Nick requested an interview.
Stay tuned for 2025.
Dr. Nick Butler
Sometimes Weekly

Sometimes Weekly, LLC
The Never A Paywall Guarantee
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All produced-and-edited digital content created for Sometimes Weekly will be made available for free in the SWPC Archives.

Sometimes Weekly, LLC is a multimedia publishing company building community through immersive storytelling.
Sometimes Weekly is
Writing & Creating